Teachers from across Europe are visiting a school in Mill Hill to share their vision of how to look after the environment this week.

Teachers from Portugal, France, Romania, Poland, Italy and Turkey were treated to songs and dances from around the world by children at Dollis Infant School in Pursley Road on Monday before setting to work on their two-year Respect project.

As part of the project teachers visit schools in other countries to share ideas and work together to find ways to encourage children to be responsible for the environment and to respect one another.

Christine Rayner, the headteacher of Dollis Infant School, said “The children have really enjoyed sharing their achievements with our visitors and we have all benefited from learning about each other.”

The group will spend the rest of their week in London learning about the education system in the UK and how the school promotes the Respect project. 

Teachers from Dollis Infant School have already visited Italy, Turkey, Romania and Portugal and are due to visit Poland and France in May.