Developers have submitted plans to build 31 homes and retail space in New Barnet.

Following a consultation with people living in the area Spen Hill Developments Ltd, a subsidiary of Tesco, have handed three planning applications to Barnet Borough Council.

Spen Hill's New Barnet Project aims to build a mews development on the former Optex site in Victoria Road, two four-bedroom homes further along the same road and a residential building with retail space on the ground floor in East Barnet Road.

More than 300 people turned out to view the proposals when they were exhibited at the Salvation Army hall in Albert Road in January.

Since the exhibition Spen Hill has changed the aesthetics of some of the buildings as a result of feedback from the consultation.

Mark Witham of Spen Hill said: “The proposals have been changed to reflect the feedback we have received during the process and have now been submitted as a formal application.

“We will remain in dialogue with all stakeholders as the planning process continues but we are very hopeful that we will soon be able to bring these plans to fruition.”