The artist John Constable first visited Hampstead in 1812 and moved to the area in 1819, being so inspired by how the sky and weather were so much a holistic part of the landscape of the Heath. Indeed, he undertook some of his most important work on the Heath and Burgh House has been celebrating the bicentenary of his arrival in the area since last year with a series of projects, exhibitions, walks and talks, the most recent of which is a free talk by curator Becky Lodge on the Constable: 200 Years in Hampstead project.

Thanks to a grant of almost £50,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Burgh House has been able to renovate and improve its security arrangements to allow it to accept loans of seven of Constable’s original works from the Victoria and Albert Museum, to display them just steps from the views that inspired them.

Becky will discuss this project as well as the upcoming Inspired by Constable exhibition that will be opening at the house in May.

  • Becky’s free talk on the Constable: 200 Years in Hampstead project is at Burgh House & Hampstead Museum, New End Square, Hampstead on Friday, April 5 at 2pm. Details: 020 7431 0144,