A FATHER-to-be who beat his ex-partner in a drunken row has been told he is narrowly escaped a prison sentence by a judge today.

Billy Drohan, of Abercorn Road, Mill Hill, was convicted last month of actual bodily harm (ABH) on the 22-year-old woman, who does not want to be named, in what police described as a violent domestic assault.

The attack happened last May outside the victim's friend's home in Finchley. Drohan punched the woman, who he has a three-year-old son with, round the side of the head causing serious damage to her ear.

The 23-year-old was also charged with three counts of criminal damage which included kicking down two doors at separate properties, and ripping the wing mirrors off the victim's car.

He had previously pleaded guilty to the £676 worth of criminal damage and a jury found him guilty of ABH at Wood Green Crown Court on March 31.

During the sentencing today at the same court, prosecution barrister Julie Whitby described the incident as a “premeditated assault” which resulted in “non-permanent” injuries.

Drohan's defence barrister appealed to the judge not to jail his client as there was work lined up which would enable him to earn money to pay any compensation claims and support his new parter, who is pregnant with his baby.

He said: “He is a hard working young man that wants to continue with everything as it is. His partner is due to give birth in December. If he were to lose his employment it would cause additional hardship on her.”

“My client is a member of society who is hard working, has interests in his spare time and takes an active role in his football team, especially helping youngsters.

“He is a father figure to his three brothers and has been an active part of their family in helping bring them up.

“He is not a man who is continually causing problems in society or is a violent person.”

The defence said the incident was “at the bottom end of an assault” although he said his client “does accept he ought not to have put himself in that position”.

Drohan, who entered the courtroom on crutches due to a long-standing leg injury, sat throughout the hearing in a green jacket and white tee-shirt, and only spoke to confirm his name.

Recorder R. Jay QC, described the attack as “nasty and unpleasant” and said it was clear Drohan had lost his temper having been drinking earlier in the day.

He said there was an element of “premeditation” to the incident as Drohan had asked his new parter to drive him to the addresses but added: “The assault may have been committed on the spur of the moment out of the losing of your temper.”

In not imposing to a prison term, Recorder Jay, said “You just get away with something less than that.

“This certainly passes the custody threshold and a custodial sentence of four to six months is not something you could have complained about.”

Drohan was handed a six-month sentence, suspended for a year, and ordered to serve 180-hours unpaid community service.

He must also abide to a 8pm to 6am curfew and pay the £676 compensation back at a rate of £10 a week.

A restraining order prohibiting Drohan from contacting the victim will remain indefinitely.